Monday, April 30, 2012

Photos of Samer compiled by his Mother.

Here are photos that Samer's mother put together from his life as a baby and a young boy growing up in the United Sates and the Middle East.

Many of the photos have his older sisters Mayasa and Sama and his older brother Usama and younger brother Wisam in them. His Mom and Dad are in many of the photos and there are also other relatives and friends.

These photos mean a lot to me since they show how close we all were as a family. We had fun for many years and Samer was a good brother with a kind heart. He was a part of us and we all miss him so much.

I hope you enjoy looking at these photos. We all loved and cared for Samer growing up and we all wish he was still with us.  I see my daughter in his baby photos. I see a happy boy that was excited for life... I see myself in him and I see all of us in him...

We miss you dear brother and we all love you. (Usama)

Samer- I look at these beautiful photos of you and you look just like my son Zade. I often see you in his eyes. I will never ever forget you. I feel your presence when I work with teenagers and sometimes I try to imagine that my helping them is also still helping you. I Love you and miss you so much and think about you all the time. Your sister, (Mayasa)

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